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The annual forum presented by Nomit INC in collaboration with the Migrant Workers Centre is aimed at raising awareness on these issues and promote a fair labour environment for all the workers in Australia.
The weaknesses of some categories of workers are widening in Australia, strongly impacting the whole society and undermining some fundamental principles that are the basis of an egalitarian community that respects the rights of all its members.
Migrant workers and visa holders, including international students, have the same workplace rights as all other workers in Australia. Yet a recent survey conducted on 4,332 temporary migrant workers found “increasing evidence of widespread exploitation of temporary migrant workers, including wage theft” (Wage theft in Australia. Findings of the National Temporary Migrant Work Survey, by Laurie Berg & Bassina Farbenblum). Half of all temporary migrant workers may be underpaid.
More so, the Migrant Workers Taskforce Report (march 2019), established by the Government to protect vulnerable workers, has highlighted a ‘culture of un- derpayment’ and the ‘shady practices of rogue labour contractors’ towards migrant workers in Australia (Anthony Forsyth).